My Journey
After going through talk therapy, I discovered that I suffered from depression since I was 11. Since then, I had spouts of depression that came and went and eventually one of the spouts became more permanent. I went on antidepressants and used them for over 10 years. The medicine helped but it did not “cure” me.
I went on a journey attempting to help myself. In that time, I gained many tools and knowledge that lead me where I am today. I went to different energy healers, attended conferences and took numerous courses, including classes at UCSD for mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness self compassion.
My passion has always been to help others around me. I taught elementary students for over 16 years. In the fall of 2019, I became a student and completed a certified Yoga Teacher program. My original intention was to use my knowledge to help me take the feeling I got on the yoga mat into the rest of my life. That same year I found emotion code.
Over the years, I have seen myself transform and become happier thanks to all my practices. For a long time, I felt trapped. I felt like I was in a chrysalis, knowing my potential, but afraid to come out. I truly think emotion code played a major role in bringing all my tools together to help me heal.
I am no longer on antidepressants or high blood pressure medicine. Using my spirited tool kit, I was able to get rid of the baggage I had been holding on to for years. Life still presents me with challenges but I can observe them in a more purposeful way.